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Single Epoxy


华创新材2021-05-13 16:55:36Single Epoxy1063source:Epoxy resin adhesive | high-temperature adhesive | potting adhesive | thermal conductive adhesive | structural adhesive | UV adhesive | AB adhesive |glue |sealant|- Huachuang Materials

H907-L是不含溶剂型单组份环氧树脂密封保护产品,具有低线膨胀系数及耐高温、抗冲击,耐震动,固化物透明度好,硬度高等特性。广泛应用于电子元器件及工艺品、礼品的粘接固定,对于金属、陶瓷、玻璃、纤维制品及硬质塑胶之间的封装粘接,三防保护,防水绝缘,有优异的粘接强度及密封性能;较常用于电子元件如:线路板、PCB、电源板、线材、线圈、磁芯、非晶材料、碳纤维成型及其它材料表面披覆,也可自行加入其它材料做为成型产品这用。 (此胶水时间长了可能会出现环氧树脂和其它成份分层的现象,建议每次使用前对胶体整体做充分的搅拌)


外观                      流动液状体

颜色                      固化前白色半透明,固化后为透明色                

比重(25℃)        1.1-1.2                   

粘度 (25℃)       3000-6000 cps        

固化条件:   120℃/1-1.5 小时;



硬    度              Shore D        85-95             

体积电阻            Ω-cm           5.5×10ˇ14

表面电阻            Ω-cm           3.5×10ˇ13                    

耐    温               ℃                130-150          

绝缘破坏电压      kv/mm        16

抗拉强度            kg/mm2        5  

H907-l is a solvent-free one component epoxy resin sealing protection product with low linear expansion coefficient, high temperature resistance, impact resistance, vibration resistance, good transparency and high hardness. Widely used in electronic components and crafts, gifts bonding, for metal, ceramic, glass, fiber products and hard plastic between the package bonding, three protection, waterproof insulation, excellent bonding strength and sealing performance; It is often used for surface coating of electronic components such as circuit board, PCB, power board, wire, coil, magnetic core, amorphous material, carbon fiber molding and other materials. It can also add other materials as molding products( The epoxy resin and other components of the glue may be layered after a long time. It is recommended to fully stir the whole glue before each use.)

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